So...this has been another weird week. I've read through so many of my posts, and the word that keeps coming up is "weird." I just can't think of another way to describe everything. I met with my breast surgeon on Monday, and it was a great appointment. Isn't it so funny that when you have appointments and you tell your husband not to come, you get diagnosed with cancer or have a great report?! Then, when he does come you end up waiting over an hour to be told "everything is looking good." I mean, seriously.
Anyway, Dr. Thomas told me I was CANCER FREE!! Yay! I cannot begin to describe how awesome it was to hear her say that. She talked about how the whole team thought that if they went back in to get more tissue, it wouldn't have had any cancer. Hallelujah! She measured my arms to check for swelling, and other than my left wrist being half a centimeter bigger than my right wrist, everything is exactly the same. She said that is most unusual for only being a month out of surgery. She also checked my range of motion and scars and said everything looks wonderful. I see her again in 3 months. If you need a breast surgeon, I cannot recommend her more highly. She sat and chatted with me about my kids and hers, and gave me such a big hug when she left. I adore her.
I also started radiation this week. (That's the weird part.) I went last Thursday to get all the preliminary marks put on my chest, as well as a CT scan. The people in this office are extremely kind as well, and they have made me feel so comfortable. I was supposed to start radiation Tuesday morning, but insurance hadn't approved it yet. Grr! It was approved quickly though, and I started on Wednesday. I had to go in at 7:30 am to get new marks all over my chest. (Fun!) Then, they got me set up on the table and all the lines and marks aligned. Then, it took two minutes to actually radiate everything. After that, they send you on your way and you just go home. It's quick and relatively easy so far. One thing that made me smile was that Wednesday morning, they had Elton John playing while I was in the radiation room. I know it sounds silly, but it was just another way the Lord encouraged me through this whole process. I got to listen to about 2 1/2 of his songs and then headed on my way. I LOVE Elton John, if you didn't know. Every other day this week, it's been elevator music, so my first day was a treat.
Thursday and Friday, I get to the cancer center at about 7:55, and I'm walking out the door to go home at around 8:15. I'm SO glad it's so quick. I hate having to get up so early everyday, but I'm so glad I can drop the girls off at school soon and then head over there. David will be able to stay home with Henry while I'm gone, so it's way less stressful for the kids this way.
I should be done the 2nd week of September. I will be teaching Preschool again this year, but I'm so thankful that I won't be starting until October. That will give me the last few weeks of September to rest and get back to my old self. After radiation, all I have left are 2 surgeries. Which is a lot, but it won't be to treat the cancer. It will just be to get hormones out of my body and to do reconstruction. I don't look forward to those surgeries, but I'll be so glad when they are over.
I feel better and better with each passing day. My hair is coming in, and I am so close to not needing a hat anymore. I've started working out. I'm walking on a treadmill that my brother and sister in law let us borrow. I usually HATE working out, but I have SO enjoyed walking everyday. I will get this extra weight off, and exercise reduces your risk of cancer coming back. (Or so they matter what, it's good for me.) Martie isn't coming over everyday anymore. We had SO much fun with her while she was coming, and I could not be more thankful for her. But, it feels SO good to be able to do things on my own again. I even hung up my own clothes today. (They are on a super high rack, so that is a big accomplishment for me!) It feels wonderful to get back in the swing of things. I am thrilled to be able to grocery shop again, drive, and reach my pans above my oven again.
It feels silly, but I am so thankful for all the little things right now. God is just so faithful. He answers prayers and cares about even the little things. I'm so amazed at what a mighty God we serve. I hope you are all enjoying your summer, and I hope you soak up every last minute before school starts. Thank you for praying and for loving us so.
These are the Dallas Castillejos cousins. We shut the pool down a few nights ago, and had the best time!

Martie and Graham are engaged! We are SO happy for them, and we can't wait for the wedding in January!
Meet my new friend....the treadmill. It takes up a LARGE portion of our laundry room, but it is becoming my best friend. Those stupid steroids helped me gain a good 10 pounds, and I intend to lose every one of them. This mama is going to enjoy wearing a bridesmaids dress for Martie's wedding.
We got to meet my newest nephew on July 25th. George Phillip Clark was born, and he is absolutely precious! I am so thankful I was able to snuggle with him. If you're keeping track, that makes 10 nieces and nephews for us, and there are lots of people in the family that aren't finished having babies. Christmas is always going to be fun around here!
This was my view today. A good book, sonic, and some tacos in peace and quiet. Hallelujah!
It's coming back in!! Yay! Also, those are my EYEBROWS!! It's so funny how much better I feel now that I have eyebrows again. My eyelashes are coming in, but they aren't quite as long as they were. They'll get there though.
It's super fun to walk around with stickers and marks all over your body. It's worth it, but they definitely do not match my outfit. I don't like to mix navy and black. I guess I can make an exception just this once. :)