Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Hello friends and family!
I've been thinking about this blog a lot lately, and I thought it was time for an update. I hope you are all doing well. For those of you outside of Texas, I hope you are enjoying cooler weather. It is currently in the 90's here and it's MAY! This mama still has hot flashes, so let's just say I am ALWAYS hot! Ha!

Anyway, I wanted to thank y'all again for praying me through last year. It was so super tough, but I'm so glad it's over. I'm still constantly reminded of God's grace and love. The last 5 months have just been about getting back to a new normal. It's a new normal, so it's taken some adjusting. My body is different and my perspective is different, so that's taken some time to get used to.

As far as my body goes, I'm doing great. I'm determined to get all this chemo weight off, so I've been working out every day (except weekends), and I'm on a new eating plan that really just includes tons of veggies. Thankfully, I like veggies so that has been enjoyable. I still go to the oncologist every 3 months for blood work and check ups, and so far, those have gone well. I have one coming up in June. I also got the all clear from the radiologist to only see her once a year, and that was awesome too. My breast surgeon only sees me once a year as well. Have I mentioned that I have a TON of doctors?! I saw my plastic surgeon today, and I may have another surgery this year. With reconstructions, there are usually some minor issues that need to be worked out, but we will see. I'll see him again in August and we will decide from there. If I do decide to have surgery, it will be pretty short and hopefully simple. Basically, I'm doing great. My hair is getting longer and I feel like I'm looking like myself again.

My perspective is so different from before all this started. I've always loved Jesus, but man alive, do I love him more now. Don't get me wrong, there are SO many hard days and days where I feel fear just creep right into my heart. But, He's always there. He's always there to remind me that he still hears me and he still sees me. He's never let me down before and he won't start now. I mentioned to David a few weeks ago that I was thinking about going back to teaching full time once Henry starts kindergarten. We discussed it, and decided that maybe it might be a little too physically taxing for me right now. David was completely right about that, but I still felt a little disappointed. Well, God just provided anyway. I got an email a few days later from the director of Henry's preschool. She asked me to come interview for the Bridge K position for next year. (This is the year for kids who technically can go to kindergarten, but maybe just aren't ready yet.) I took the job, and I could not be more excited!! Henry will even be with me. Isn't that just so kind of the Lord? I was so bummed when I didn't get to be Henry's teacher this year, and God just provided a way for me to be his teacher next year. I am so very grateful, and so excited!

My kids are doing great as well! They are all 3 loving school and just the sweetest kids. They write about me being brave through cancer and how God got us through. Even though last year was awful, I'm thankful that that is something they got out of it.

It's only a few days until summer, and we are SO READY around here!! Charlotte had field trips last week, Annie has one tomorrow, and field day is on Friday. Things are winding down, and I am thrilled! We are going to be doing some traveling this summer, and I'm so excited! We've got trips to Minnesota and Colorado planned, and I'm working on one to New York City! I'm just so excited!

Thank you again for loving us through last year, and for always praying and encouraging us! If you're ever going through something difficult and need prayer or support, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to walk with you through it like you did with me. Also, if you have a friend that's diagnosed with cancer, send them my way. It's such a tough and awful road, but there are so many beautiful things along the way. Happy (almost) summer, friends!

Here are some pictures from the last few months. Basically, for Jomie and Carla since they aren't on social media! :)

Our family at Martie and Graham's rehearsal dinner. Did I mention my sister got married and my kids got a new uncle this year? So fun! (Henry totally had the flu in this picture. What a mess!)

Right before the wedding.

We went to the beach in March with David's family. It was SO fun, but pretty chilly.

Our first Easter in our new house!

I got to babysit Owen and Will one night, and it was SO much fun! I mean, aren't they the cutest?!

My sweet Annie got baptized!

Best day ever!

I sent this to David one day after I started my workouts. I'm sure he appreciates my ridiculous texts.

Muffins with moms.

Mother's Day with my goofballs.

Field trip with Charlotte last week.

Henry's spring program and PreK graduation day.

Annie and Charlotte's piano recital.