Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spring Break 2017

We had the absolute BEST spring break!
After my last AC, it took me 9 days to start feeling better or even half way normal. Y'all, that stuff seriously is the devil. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. I am SO thankful it is over. Henry and I had spring break that week that I was sick. Bless his heart, it wasn't that much fun. BUT, that Saturday, I woke up feeling so much better, and our other spring break began. We honestly didn't do much, but it was a perfect week and exactly what we all needed.

Saturday, we spent the day in the yard and doing stuff outside. It was great! I have no idea what we did Sunday, but I'm sure it was great! Ha! (I blame chemo brain.)

 Monday morning, we got up, packed up, did a few things around the house, and then headed to the farm to spend the night with Dee and Pete. We stopped in Southlake and did some shopping first. Hallelujah! This girl needed some retail therapy! It was fantastic!
After shopping, we went to the farm and then out to dinner. Everyone played outside first and got dirty enough to need a bath. The next day, we spent the whole day outside and just playing. We all had so much fun! Then, we went to Taco night at Fuzzy's on the square in Decatur and headed home. I was SO tired, but perfectly happy. I know David was glad to get some time to himself too. I know he deserved it.

Wednesday, we had a playdate with friends. This is probably the thing my kids loved the most. We had a friend for Annie, Charlotte, and Henry. They seriously played all morning inside, ate lunch, and then played outside until their moms came. It was so fun. After that, we loaded up and got Steel City Pops. There is one SUPER close to our house, and that is going to be a game changer this summer. I love that place!

Thursday, I had chemo which was a bummer, but it went so much better than all the times before. (Other than waiting over an hour to see the doctor. Boo!) This chemo isn't fun, but it's not as harsh as the last, so I am loving every single thing I get to do.

I took Charlotte to a birthday party on Saturday, I made homemade pudding today. Nothing major, but SO appreciated by this sick mama! I love being able to participate in life again. It feels so good to be able to tell my kids that I will be there. Praise the Lord! I know it will get harder over the next 11 weeks, but I will enjoy every single minute that I can. God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying the pictures. Thank you. I am still not used to being out of the area, so please know I am praying for all of you. And, thanking God for you to have some energy and living out daily life. As Dr. Dobson always said, "and this too shall pass."
    Love you Katiegirl
