Wednesday, March 8, 2017


It's Wednesday, almost a week after my last AC treatment, and I still feel kinda crappy. If past treatments are any indication, I am hoping to wake up tomorrow and feel MUCH better! That's the hope, at least.

I'm so glad to have crossed two major things off my list: shaving my head and the hardest chemo drug!! Yay!

This week I am still recovering. It's hard. I want to do so many things around the house, but I find myself watching cartoons with Henry and building puzzles most of the time. The Lord has given me some sweet time with my boy, and I am so thankful for that. I'm ready to feel better so that next week we can enjoy spring break with the girls. We aren't going anywhere (duh), but we are having a sleepover in our room, getting crazy donuts, and all kinds of other simple, fun things.

Tomorrow I meet with my surgeon. I have a zillion questions, and I really love her, so I'm looking forward to it. The tumor in my armpit is so tiny that I'm the only one that can find it. It's amazing. God is so good! I'm hoping to find out the timeline of my surgery and everything else if all goes well. Please pray that I wouldn't have to wait too long after chemo to have surgery. I know my plans are not God's plans, but I would LOVE to be done with my recovery before school starts. I know that's a tall order, but that's what I'm hoping for. We will find out tomorrow. Thank you for praying for me and my family. I cannot express how much I appreciate it.

I'd like to give a little shout out to my husband. (And ask you to pray specifically for him.)

David and I met in junior high and started dating in high school. (We actually dated twice in junior high but broke up both times. I mean, "dating" in junior high...what does that even mean?) Anyway--I have loved him since I was 16. I remember thinking on our wedding day, that I couldn't possibly love him more. Then, we got married, and I have fallen in love with him more and more each day. This man, y'all. He is kind and patient. Lord, he is patient. He is generous and funny. He is smart and can fix anything. He is an amazing father. Our children absolutely adore him. He would rather be behind the scenes than in front of everyone. He loves me like Christ loves the church. I couldn't ask for anything more. If you know me at all, you know that I HATE being told what to do. Seriously. That has been something I've had to work on throughout our marriage. The Lord knew exactly who I needed to marry though. Someone who has always respected me. Someone who asks my opinions on subjects that I have NO idea on. (Hello health insurance!) Someone who encourages me to follow my dreams. Someone who tells me the truth. (Ladies,this is IMPORTANT!! No, we don't want our husbands to tell us we don't look great in an outfit, but I'd rather that than walking out the door and looking like a fool.) Someone who points me towards Jesus. As hard as it is for me to be told what to do, David is the only person in the world who makes it even slightly easier.

Please don't hear me say that my marriage is perfect. It is not. We have had difficult times. Marriage is hard. BUT, being married to David is not. He is the perfect match for me. He allows me to be myself. I can tell inappropriate jokes to him, he supports my coca cola addiction, he knows I love Northpark mall, he encourages my ability to teach, he just loves me for who I am. I never have to pretend around him.

He has loved me through this whole cancer process. On the nights when I thought I was going to die, David held me and told me not to go there. We didn't know yet. Don't worry. On the night he shaved my head, he made me laugh and then told me he didn't love me for my hair. When I can hardly keep my eyes open, he tells me to go to  bed and I know that he is taking care of our children. I can walk around our house with nothing on my head. I can plan a surgery knowing that he will be there the whole time.

I know most, if not all, of you reading this are married. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but I just feel compelled to say...wait girls, wait! Don't fall for what the world tells you that love is. Don't fall into the trap that a big, wedding will make you happy. If you're already married, don't listen when the world tells you that it would be easier to walk away. I know it's hard. It's only March, and this year has been SO HARD! If you are struggling in your marriage or in your wait to find the right person to marry, I would love to sit and have coffee with you. (You can have coffee and I'll have a coke.) I just look at David and know that he was the one I was supposed to marry, and I'm so glad I did. I want that for every other person out there. Don't settle for something the world tells you. Wait for what God tells you.

I'll ask you to pray for David because I know this year has been so hard for him too. He has to watch me be sick and get poked all the time. His job is CRAZY busy right now and I know he feels pulled in so many different directions. Please pray for rest for his mind and his body. Please pray that satan would not have a victory in any area of his life. Please pray that the Lord would reveal himself to David and show him how loved he truly is.

Thank you for reading all this. I know I ramble. I just wanted to say a public thank you to the man who loves me so well. He will probably be embarrassed to read this, but I hope he knows how very loved he is.

1 comment:

  1. Wise, precious words, Katie! We have been praying for you and David and your kiddos since we first heard. We have prayed for both sets of parents and siblings. Cancer is a family disease. It affects in some way, every member of the family. You and David are a wonderful example of committed marriage that looks full in the face of this monster and realizes your refuge and strength is in our Lord Jesus and the power He alone has to make you all strong for this battle. He already is the victor! You have the victory in Him!!! Love you, Daena
