Monday, January 30, 2017

A few new prayer requests

Hey! I made it through my first round of chemo, AND it's almost February!! Hallelujah!

I know so many people are praying for us, and I cannot begin to thank you enough or tell you how much that has meant to us. I truly feel uplifted and so encouraged.

I wanted to give you a few things to pray for specifically.

First, I need my tumor in my armpit to shrink! It may or may not, but it would give David and I such peace of mind if it even got slightly smaller. If it gets bigger, chemo gets put on hold and we do surgery immediately. If it stays the same, I think we continue. We will be asking more questions this week at my next infusion. But, we would love prayers that it gets smaller so we know for sure that the chemo is working. (The chemo will NOT even come close to getting rid of all my cancer. That is not the goal. The goal is to try and kill any cells in my body that are just floating around. If we can tell that the chemo is affecting my tumor, we know that it is killing any rogue cells as well.)

Next prayer is for my genetic testing. I met with a genetic counselor today, and it was extremely interesting. Normally, David is the one asking all the questions, and today it was me. I don't know why, but that seemed like a small victory to me. I felt slightly less overwhelmed and was able to participate more in the conversation. In our entire marriage, David has always been the more detail oriented person in our relationship. (If you know us well, you should totally be nodding your head right now. Ha!) I am the one that usually just smiles and goes with whatever the doctor says. Today felt nice to be able to ask more questions and just feel slightly more in control of my emotions. Anyway...I will have 28 different genes tested to see if one of them is broken. If a gene is broken we will be able to tell a few more things about my cancer and if I am more susceptible to other types of cancer. If a gene is broken, my entire family will have to undergo testing as well. Our kids will have to do testing at some point, and they will be more likely to have a broken gene or get other types of cancers. Basically, we are praying that the testing comes back "negative." Although it might be frustrating for me to not know why or what caused this, it would be SO much better for my children and family. Their risk would decrease significantly. Please pray for a "negative" result.

Finally, I have my second round of chemo on Friday. I am feeling fairly normal this week. I don't know if "normal" is a good word to use, but I don't feel quite as tired and definitely more like myself. (I completely HATE this stupid port, but that's another story.) Friday will be the beginning of another full week of exhaustion, nausea, and just not feeling like myself. The kids have been so sweet about it all, but I know they notice. I will also probably lose my hair this weekend or early next week. I still get pretty teary whenever I think about it, but I know it will just be another step to getting well. Please pray for peace as that happens, and for endurance and strength as I deal with the chemo this weekend and next week. Pray for David and the kids as things aren't normal for a few days again. I know that is so hard on all of them.

Thank you again for loving us through this. I feel like Moses sometimes. When my arms get tired, someone always comes along to lift them up again. Thank you for praying and for being the hands and feet of Jesus. It means more to me than I could ever say.


  1. Hey Katie girl!
    You and your precious fam are in my prayers daily. As I read your experiences I am reminded of the whirlwind of emotions and questions I had. I hated my port too. It hurt at first, then became just uncomfortable, but I mostly hated the location. Why did it have to be right there. A scar for all the world to see. I just wanted it to be hidden. I didn't want the reminder. But now, I show it off, I don't hide it anymore. It is a reminder of the battle fought with the peace And grace of loving God who walked every day with me. It is only for a time, it will come out, but I get it! I didn't cry often, but my hair cause great anxiety. I had horrible insomnia. I was afraid to go to sleep and wake up with my hair on the pillow. I cried when I had to decide what to do, I cried when I cut it short, I cried at the wig shop and then I didn't cry anymore. Except as I write this. We are about what we look like in many ways. My identity was often in my hair. It was what people knew me for and always commented on. What would they say about me now, who was I then. I chose to wear wigs, it made feel more like me. I don't know the path you are choosing, but do whatever makes you feel the most like you and what you want, not what will make others more comfortable. You will find what is normal again. I kept going and didn't stop. That worked for me. If I needed to rest I did, but I worked everyday. Cancer wasn't going to stop me from living life. Celebrate the days you feel great and celebrate the days you feel like crud because the treatments are doing their job. I will continue to pray for you and all your requests. You have always been so strong and this isn't going to take you down. Fight like a girl! Love you dear friend, Jennifer

  2. Katie,
    I really love reading your story, I'm sorry you're going through this. I can't imagine what must be running through your head. I want you to know that I'm praying for you, praying for David, praying for those precious kids who will love their sweet mama with hair or not!! I pray for your comfort as you endure chemo, I
    Pray that you continue to have faith that He is in control. I am praying for your peace and wisdom to make decisions about your treatment. I pray for David that he may have patience and endurance to handle what his dealer wife is going through. I pray that your children have understanding that God will take care of you and they should also keep their eyes on Him. More than anything, I pray for healing of your body and that the cancer be destroyed. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

  3. Oh sweet Katie! My heart is flooded with emotions for you as you are walking through this deep valley. You have always been so near & dear to our family. You are that teacher who "set the bar" for years to come. What a blessing you were & still are to the many lives you are touching through your testimony. I will continue to lift you up believing that " With God NOTHING is impossible!" Luke 1:37.
    Sending my love & big hugs.
    Angela Hicks
