Thursday, October 19, 2017

One down (almost), one to go!

Hey friends and family!
I need your prayers again tomorrow. I am having surgery to remove my fallopian tubes and my ovaries tomorrow at 11:30. I check in at 10:30. I would SO appreciate prayers for peace and comfort for David and me. I haven't been worried at all this week, but it's after midnight and my mind is still going. I'm ready for this to be over. I would also love prayers for an easy procedure with no complications, and that the doctors would be skilled and aware. I spoke with the anesthesiologist tonight, and he is so kind. I am fairly certain that he was my doctor when I delivered Henry. I'm glad that there will be many familiar faces in the operating room tomorrow. (Have I mentioned that everyone at Presby has been amazing?!)

This procedure is supposed to be pretty quick with an easy-ish recovery. I figure that I've had 3 c-sections and a double mastectomy...this HAS to be an easier recovery, right?! Ha! Please pray that I would be able to get back to normal fairly quickly. Annie has a game at one on Saturday, and I'd love to go. David says that we will see...I know I'm being overly ambitious, but I hate missing stuff like that.

Thank you for praying for us this whole year. I truly cannot explain how much it has lifted my spirits, and made a difference in my life. Every time I am nervous about something, y'all step in and pray, and I literally can feel the weight come off my shoulders.

Tomorrow will be one more thing to cross off our list, and then it's only one more surgery. I dread the IV and coming out of anesthesia, but I am ready to lay on the couch and watch Netflix tomorrow afternoon. Yay! Thank you for loving us and being such an encouragement to us. I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The pill...

I thought I'd grab your attention with the title of this post. The pill you are thinking of is no longer a part of my life. Hehe.

I am on a pill though. This new pill is a hormone blocker that I will be on for the next 10 years. (At least) I started it last week after meeting with my oncologist. My appointment was great, and Dr. McIntyre seemed to think everything is going well. This pill is probably the most important part of my treatment. Because hormones help my cancer grow, this pill should hopefully keep that from happening. I was really nervous about our appointment because there is a medicine called Tamoxifen that I thought I was going to have to be on. (There are TONS of women on this drug and that is so great. I don't mean to imply that they shouldn't be at all.) I just didn't have a peace about it for me, and I was really hoping to avoid it. Well, since I'm having surgery on the 20th, Dr. McIntyre went ahead and started me on a different drug. Yay! Tamoxifen is for women who have not gone through menopause. Since I will technically be going through menopause in two weeks, we went ahead and started the safer of the two. There are still some potential side effects that are not fun, but so far, I feel great! I am SO thankful that I haven't felt bad or felt anything getting worse.

My feet hurt a lot. Apparently, that can happen when you don't have enough estrogen in your body. Who knew?! I swear, again, this whole process is so very weird. I'll take sore feet over lots of other side effects though. I'll probably just have to get pedicures more often. (Wink, wink!)

I've got lots of appointments coming up this week and next. I meet with my OBGYN tomorrow to discuss the tubal surgery. David is coming so we can talk about everything that that entails. I have to have a bone density scan on Thursday, and I meet with my radiologist next week. Good heavens. Things are just crazy. I think November should be a slower doctor visit month. Ha! I'm looking forward to that.

Thank you so much for caring about us and walking this road with us. Please continue to pray that all the things we are doing will work, and that this cancer (or any other) will never come back. Please pray for wisdom as we discuss surgery for next Friday, and please pray that I would have a quick and easy recovery. Annie has a soccer game the next day and I'm hoping to talk David into letting me go. We will see how I feel though. I hope you are all enjoying this cooler weather. I love you all!