Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Recovering Well

Hello friends!
I hope you are all doing well, and that everyone had a fantastic Halloween yesterday. We were SO thrilled that it didn't rain all evening so we could go trick or treating. Henry already asked me this morning when the next Halloween was. My kids loved every minute, and I have to say that I did too. I love getting out and seeing my neighbors and all the precious kids running up and down the street. Their joy is contagious!

I wanted to thank you for your prayers for my surgery. Everything went really well. I had the surgery done at a surgery center in the hospital. After everything we've been through this year, I hadn't been in that part of the hospital, but I LOVED it. The nurses were absolutely fantastic and it was just super nice. My IV went in well, and I'm SO glad to only have one more of those this year, hopefully.

I'm almost 2 weeks out, and I still have a little soreness. The recovery was a little more difficult than I thought, but it was still easier than a C-section. I have 3 scars on my tummy. (Don't worry--I will most assuredly not be sharing pictures. Ha!) The scar on my right side is about 10 mm and the one on my left is half that. Then, I have one in my belly button. It's been kinda tricky to find comfy clothes that don't hit right where they aren't supposed to. I'm feeling much better though.

I did have a tough week last week. I had an infusion of a drug called Zometa. It's a drug that's been recently approved by the FDA to strengthen bones before bone density loss. The new pill I'm taking can cause bone density loss. I was expecting a headache or some mild bone pain, but I truly felt like I was dying of the flu. My entire body just hurt and I could hardly get out of bed. I'm so thankful for a kind husband who will step in during unexpected things like that. And, all our friends were so wonderful too. I'm glad that's over. I didn't really have a peace about that drug, so I was frustrated that I took it. But, after meeting with my breast surgeon this week, I think I will continue taking it. It's only once every 6 months for 2 years. (3 more treatments) Apparently, I'm at a greater risk for the cancer coming back in my bones. She said since I'm so young, the cancer is so hormonally driven, and because some of the cells were particularly nasty, it increases my risk. This medicine will help strengthen my bones and try to keep the cancer out. Please pray that it does. Please pray that this is the last year I have to battle this awful disease. If it comes back, I know the Lord will walk with me through this process again, but I just hope it doesn't. I do know that David and I have done everything we can to keep it from happening. At least I won't have to worry about doing something different.

I have about 5 1/2 weeks until my LAST surgery. I seriously CANNOT wait! These expanders are super uncomfortable, and I am ready to just be done with everything. I am so excited about Christmas this year. I feel like I didn't truly get to celebrate Christmas last year. I went through the motions because of my children, but I had a dark cloud hanging over me. I am ready to celebrate this year though. I may or may not have turned on Christmas music today now that Halloween is over. (Just don't tell David. He's a purist and only listens to Christmas music after Thanksgiving. Not me, and definitely not this year. Ha!)

We've been busy around here, so I'll include a few pictures at the end of this post. I hope you are all doing well as well. I hope Halloween was fun, and that you spend the next few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving giving thanks for the many blessings the Lord has bestowed on us. Please know that I thank God for every single one of you reading this blog. You have prayed for me this year and been the hands and feet of Jesus to me and my family. There aren't words to express how thankful I am for you. Enjoy every minute of the holidays this year. I know I will. I will soak in the joy of my children, the love of my family and friends, and the miracle of the birth and life of Christ. If you need a church to visit over the holidays, there is always a seat next to me at North Highlands Bible Church. :) I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week, and I promise to update soon about my next surgery.

Last Friday, we celebrated 3 years in heaven for my Mamaw. I miss her everyday, but I know she's so much happier there.

David and the kids carved pumpkins.

I took the kids to get ice cream this week after school. Then, we went to Crate & Barrel and helped Aunt Martie register for her wedding. SO FUN!

Dee had a birthday on Sunday, and we all celebrated together. All the grandbabies were there. They are the sweetest!

Trick or treating with friends. I had Little Red Riding Hood, Hermoine (from Harry Potter), and Batman. I love these kids!

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